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function submitTryit() {
var t = document.getElementById("textareaCode").value;
var doc = document.getElementById('iframeResult').contentWindow.document;
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<div class="headerText">Edit This Code:</div>
<button class="seeResult" type="button" onclick="submitTryit()">See Result »</button>
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<textarea autocomplete="off" class="code_input" id="textareaCode" wrap="logical" spellcheck="false">
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<title>Page Title</title>
<h1>This is the Test WorkSpace</h1>
<div class="iframecontainer">
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<div class="headerText">Result:</div>
<div class="iframewrapper">
<iframe id="iframeResult" class="result_output" frameborder="0" name="view"></iframe>