How to Automate Deployment Process?
Normally We developer, for deployment of a WebApplication, we prepare a deployment manual of 10-11 pages, put down steps and hand over the document to Deployment Team with the Source Codes in TFS or any Version Controlled System. Then they will follow one by one step to do the deployment.
- Imagine if any single step is missed, then ??
- If the person doing deployment not familiar with your technology then it's a guarantee, there would be some discrepancy.
- What if more than one application needs to be integrated for a single application, how many pages of deployment manual it would be? And what is the probability of a successful deployment?
So we have to automate these processes to make the deployment process error free. And in order to achieve that building MSI (Microsoft Installer) is a good option. So the developer will hand over the MSI file to the Server Admin then just clicking on the MSI file will complete the job and of-course it will be error free because there would be no chance of missing any step.