Insert statements are used to insert data into tables.
INSERT INTO Table VALUES( “attribute value1”, “attribute value 2”....);
INSERT INTO Table(Coumn1,Column2,..) VALUES( “attribute value1”, “attribute
value 2”....);
Insert into Customer VALUES(1,'Customer Name1','Male',40,'India')
Insert into Customer(CustomerID,CustomerName,Gender,Age,Location)
VALUES(1,'Customer Name1','Male',40,'India')
UPDATE statement helps in modifying database records
UPDATE Table set attribute2 = “new value” WHERE attribute1 = “xyz”;
Update Customer set age=30 where CustomerID=100
Delete statement helps in deleting database records
DELETE FROM Table WHERE attribute1 = “xyz”;
Delete from Customer where CustomerID=100;
Select statements help in selecting data from the database
SELECT * FROM Customer
Data can be retrieved from the database using different Select options which have been
discussed below
SELECT attribute1,attribute2 FROM Table ;
SELECT CustomerID,CustomerName from Customer
Shows the column values by removing the duplicate values.
SELECT DISTINCT attribute1 FROM Table ;
Select distinct Location from Customer
String functions such as Upper,Lower,Substring,CharIndex can be used in the Select statements
SELECT UPPER( attribute1), LOWER( attribute1) FROM Table;
SELECT UPPER(Location) from Customer
SELECT SUBSTRING(attribute1, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', attribute1)) FROM Table;
The below example will retrieve the first name from the Customer Name in which the First and the Last Name are separated by spaces.
Select SUBSTRING(CustomerName,1, CHARINDEX(' ', CustomerName)) from Customer
The CharIndex function returns the position of the space character in Customer Name. Then using the Substring function we can retrieve the first name by providing the start position and the position returned by CharIndex function.
The Convert function is sued to display the date columns in the table in different styles
SELECT CONVERT(data type, attribute1, format ) FROM Table;
The below statement will display the DateOfBirth in mm/dd/yy format.
Select Convert(varchar(10),DOB,101) from Customer
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table WHERE attribute2 = “xyz” ;
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table WHERE attribute2 = “xyz” AND attribute3 = “pqr”;
Select CustomerName from Customer where CustomerID > 100;
Select CustomerName from Customer where CustomerID > 100 and CustomerID <200;
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table WHERE attribute2 NOT IN (“pqr”, “xyz”) ;
Displays the Customer details whose Location is either India or US.
Select CustomerID,CustomerName from Customer Where Location NOT in ('India','US')
Displays the Customer details whose Location is neither India or US.
Displays the Customer details whose Location is NULL.
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table ORDER BY attribute1 order by desc.
Select CustomerID,CustomerName from Customer order by Location desc
In the above example the records in Customer table will be grouped by location values. Suppose we have locations like India,US,UK, the records will be now grouped under US,UK and India. The column values used for grouping alone can be displayed using Select. So the above statement will display only US,UK and India.
The aggregate function used is the count function.
*Update the Employee name and Department of a particular Employee
* Delete an Employee based on Employee Id
* Select the Employee based on below criteria
1.Employees of a Department
2.Employees not assigned to department
3.Employees count grouped by department
2.Update the Department and Employee name using update statement
3.Delete an Employee using the delete statement by providing the Employeeid in the
where condition
4.List the employees of a department using select with where condition
5.List the employees who have not been assigned to department using null condition
6.List the count of employees using GroupBy
Update Employee set EmpName='Emp2',Department='Accounts' where Empid=2
Delete from Employee where Empid= 100
Select * from Employee where Department='Accounts'
Select * from Employee where Department is null
Select count(*) from Employee group by Department
2.The Department and EmpName has been updated using update statement based on Empid
3.An employee with empid is deleted using delete statements
4.The employees of Department Account have been listed
5.The employees not assigned to any department have been listed using null condition
6.The count of employees of each department is displayed using group by and aggregate function
Insert statements are used to insert data into tables.
INSERT INTO Table VALUES( “attribute value1”, “attribute value 2”....);
INSERT INTO Table(Coumn1,Column2,..) VALUES( “attribute value1”, “attribute
value 2”....);
Insert into Customer VALUES(1,'Customer Name1','Male',40,'India')
Insert into Customer(CustomerID,CustomerName,Gender,Age,Location)
VALUES(1,'Customer Name1','Male',40,'India')
UPDATE statement helps in modifying database records
UPDATE Table set attribute2 = “new value” WHERE attribute1 = “xyz”;
Update Customer set age=30 where CustomerID=100
Delete statement helps in deleting database records
DELETE FROM Table WHERE attribute1 = “xyz”;
Delete from Customer where CustomerID=100;
Select statements help in selecting data from the database
SELECT * FROM Customer
Data can be retrieved from the database using different Select options which have been
discussed below
Select statement with projections
Selecting only particular columns from the databaseSyntax
SELECT attribute1,attribute2 FROM Table ;
SELECT CustomerID,CustomerName from Customer
Select statement with Distinct
Shows the column values by removing the duplicate values.
SELECT DISTINCT attribute1 FROM Table ;
Select distinct Location from Customer
Select statement with String Functions
String functions such as Upper,Lower,Substring,CharIndex can be used in the Select statements
SELECT UPPER( attribute1), LOWER( attribute1) FROM Table;
SELECT UPPER(Location) from Customer
SELECT SUBSTRING(attribute1, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', attribute1)) FROM Table;
The below example will retrieve the first name from the Customer Name in which the First and the Last Name are separated by spaces.
Select SUBSTRING(CustomerName,1, CHARINDEX(' ', CustomerName)) from Customer
The CharIndex function returns the position of the space character in Customer Name. Then using the Substring function we can retrieve the first name by providing the start position and the position returned by CharIndex function.
Select statement with Convert Functions
The Convert function is sued to display the date columns in the table in different styles
SELECT CONVERT(data type, attribute1, format ) FROM Table;
The below statement will display the DateOfBirth in mm/dd/yy format.
Select Convert(varchar(10),DOB,101) from Customer
Select statement with Filters
Select statements with Filters are used to select records based on conditionSELECT statement with WHERE
The filter condition is specified using the WHERE Clause.Syntax
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table WHERE attribute2 = “xyz” ;
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table WHERE attribute2 = “xyz” AND attribute3 = “pqr”;
Select CustomerName from Customer where CustomerID > 100;
Select CustomerName from Customer where CustomerID > 100 and CustomerID <200;
SELECT statement with WHERE and IN/NOT IN
This filter is used for checking for matching and unmatched records given a list of valuesSyntax
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table WHERE attribute2 IN (“pqr”, “xyz”) ;SELECT attribute1 FROM Table WHERE attribute2 NOT IN (“pqr”, “xyz”) ;
Select CustomerID,CustomerName from Customer Where Location in ('India','US')Displays the Customer details whose Location is either India or US.
Select CustomerID,CustomerName from Customer Where Location NOT in ('India','US')
Displays the Customer details whose Location is neither India or US.
SELECT statement with WHERE and NULL
This filter is used for selecting records for columns with NULL value.Syntax
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table WHERE attribute2 IS NULL ;Example
Select CustomerID,CustomerName from Customer where Location is NULLDisplays the Customer details whose Location is NULL.
SELECT statement with Order By
This filter is used to display the records based on column values either in ascending or descending orderSyntax
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table ORDER BY attribute1;SELECT attribute1 FROM Table ORDER BY attribute1 order by desc.
Select CustomerID,CustomerName from Customer order by Location.Select CustomerID,CustomerName from Customer order by Location desc
SELECT statement with Group By
This filter is used for grouping records based on a column value. The column values used for grouping can be listed using the select statement.Syntax
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table GROUP BY attribute1;Example
SELECT Location FROM Customer GROUP BY Location;In the above example the records in Customer table will be grouped by location values. Suppose we have locations like India,US,UK, the records will be now grouped under US,UK and India. The column values used for grouping alone can be displayed using Select. So the above statement will display only US,UK and India.
SELECT statement with Group By and Having
The Having clause is used for displaying the column values used in group by clause based on a condition. In the above example if we want to display the locations which are having a count of more than 10 employees,then we can go for having clause. Having clause has to be used along with aggregate functions. Refer to Aggregate functions documents for understanding on Aggregate functions.Syntax
SELECT attribute1 FROM Table GROUP BY attribute1 HAVING aggregate_function(attribute1) > value ;Example
SELECT Location FROM Customer GROUP BY Location having count(Location) > 0The aggregate function used is the count function.
Problem Scenario
*Insert values into Employee table which has Columns like EmployeeID,Employee Name, Department,Date of Joining.*Update the Employee name and Department of a particular Employee
* Delete an Employee based on Employee Id
* Select the Employee based on below criteria
1.Employees of a Department
2.Employees not assigned to department
3.Employees count grouped by department
Approach to solve the problem
1.Insert the values into Employee table using Insert statement2.Update the Department and Employee name using update statement
3.Delete an Employee using the delete statement by providing the Employeeid in the
where condition
4.List the employees of a department using select with where condition
5.List the employees who have not been assigned to department using null condition
6.List the count of employees using GroupBy
Insert into Employee(1, 'Emp1','Finance','09-09-2000')Update Employee set EmpName='Emp2',Department='Accounts' where Empid=2
Delete from Employee where Empid= 100
Select * from Employee where Department='Accounts'
Select * from Employee where Department is null
Select count(*) from Employee group by Department
Explanation about the solution
1.Details are inserted using Insert statement.2.The Department and EmpName has been updated using update statement based on Empid
3.An employee with empid is deleted using delete statements
4.The employees of Department Account have been listed
5.The employees not assigned to any department have been listed using null condition
6.The count of employees of each department is displayed using group by and aggregate function
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